Get Connected with flocknote to quickly join ministries, get ministry updates, never miss a deadline, and keep informed about parish happenings. For example, you can join “Christmas Trees” to sign up to help with Christmas tree sales. You can receive text reminders about Christian Formation classes. You can receive text reminders about event payment deadlines. You might even want to sign up to receive a text when someone passes away so you can pray for their family. Stay informed with flocknote texting service.

 Ready to Get Connected?

Simply text the word “POP” to the phone number 84576, and you will receive a text prompting you to click a link to complete signup. OR you can fill out the form below and click “Sign me Up” then follow the instructions to create a password and verify your email.


What if I forgot to choose a ministry or if my phone number or email changes?

You can adjust your ministry selections or view and edit your profile any time by clicking on the blue sheep icon on your phone.