Adult formation is offered both virtually and in person. Opportunities to sign up for Spiritual Enrichment will posted on our Parish Website and in our Parish bulletin. You may also visit the spiritual aids on the tabs above or view the following sites:
ASCENSION PRESS – In this video, Fr. Mark-Mary shares some ways we can dive deeper into the Mass through prayer
There are various opportunities for adults to learn more about and grow in their faith. For more information or for the coordinator’s contact information call Sister Dolores in the parish office 757-547-0356 or email Pastoral Staff.
Women’s Ministry:
Coming this Fall is Walking with Purpose: A 6-week Catholic Bible study for women. Reclaiming Friendship is offered Tuesdays, October 15th – November 19th from 10:15 – 11:45 am or 7:00-8:30pm. The kickoff event is October 8th at 7:00pm. Come and see! Bring a friend! Register HERE.
Men’s Ministry:
Coming soon is an opportunity for Men to come together. Information will be posted on our Parish Website and in our Parish bulletin.
Young Adult Ministry
College Students: When college students are home, they are invited to meet together in small groups for meals, entertainment, and to play an active role in both special Liturgies and Sunday Worship.
Working or attending College near home: Young Adults who are working or attending college near home are invited to join like-minded people who gather to socialize, participate in parish events and Mass together, and share in diocesan evens with other young adult groups in our area.
If any parishioners and friends of POP, between the ages of 19-39, are interested in expanding this ministry with their time, their leadership, and their ideas for growth, please contact [email protected] or call the parish office at 757-547-0356.
Upcoming Events:
Theology on Tap
The goal of Theology on Tap in the Diocese of Richmond is to provide a place for young adults (roughly ages 21-35) to gather, delve into a Catholic topic, and connect with other young adults in the area. All young adults, whether single or married, are welcome!
Date: Last Thursday of the month
Location: Locations rotate every month, contact Chloe for more information
Time: 7:00 – 9:00pm
Contact: Chloe Barnes [email protected] Facebook page