Please sign up under our online service, ParishSOFT Giving .  For more information please call 757-547-0356 or email the Parish office.

Making payments has never been easier! Payments for a class or event at Prince of Peace, or donating to Prince of Peace can be accomplished by following the ParishSOFT Giving link.

Want to help with online processing fees?
If you’re not already doing so, you can opt to cover the rising costs of processing fees by setting up a recurring gift online. Unfortunately, a current active recurring donation cannot be edited to also include the processing fees. The donation would have to be stopped and a new one created.

The office is happy to help with this should you need assistance.  Thank you for your consideration.

Second Collections:


Fundraisers are scheduled throughout the year and can be found on the parish calendar. For more information call 757-47-0356 or email the Parish office.